Pretty fun game.
Yes, this kind of birds-eye-view starship/plane/helicopter shoot 'em up has been made over and over and over again, but that goes for a lot of game types on Newgrounds. I enjoyed this game quite a lot, it ran smooth even though it was quite graphically intense, and even when there were a lot of enemies, bullets and powerups all on the stage at the same time it did not lagg, so i was very pleased.
Graphics; they were good, really made the game look professional
Style; it wasn't original, but who gives a damn, it was enjoyable and a lot of people thought this also, so you did well.
Sound; the sfx were really anoying, but they all anoy me on these types of game so nothing new there.
It wasn't very viloent... nothing more..
Interactivity; Great, I could move the ship anywhere i wanted which is always good with these games and it didn't lagg which made it a lot better!!
OVERALL: a good solid game, nothing new, but fun and enjoyable to the majority.
EXTRA: You have recieved a lot of harsh reviews for this game, which is not what you want as an artist and programmer i know. But you really have a fucking chip on your shoulder and i dont like you at all as a person after reading some of your replys to some of the reviews, infact, it is safe to say that i think you are a complete and utter cockmouth! This said I have reviewed your game propperly 'cos i am not here to like you, just to play your game.